eVISO is using ROSE to manage its sustainability
Nov 13, 2024
Key learnings
eVISO, a listed Italian company with a strong digital-tech approach, chose ROSE as its sustainability platform for at least the next three years.
The ROSE platform is being used for both CSRD compliance and carbon footprint, including scope 3.
Data management and value chain mapping are the main challenges for this project.
A few words about eVISO
eVISO S.p.a is a COMMOD-TECH company, listed on the EGM (Euronext Growth Milan) since 2020, with a proprietary artificial intelligence infrastructure that operates and creates value in the raw materials sector (electricity, gas, apples).
Seeking the most efficient way to enhance its sustainability impact while addressing compliance to CSRD, eVISO chose ROSE Framework. The platform is currently being configured to align with eVISO’s specificities, with a contract set for a minimum duration of three years.
It's the story of two data companies coming together
In sustainability projects, data often presents the biggest challenge. Scattered across multiple sources and production sites, poor in quality, or lacking crucial points—data can make or break a project’s success.
In the case of eVISO, working on data is already in their DNA, as they use it to answer complex questions. When, how, and at what price should a commodity be bought or sold? What are the key levers for a household to reduce its energy bill? The answers lie in the data—it’s just a matter of decoding them.
At ROSE we believe that the same logic applies to sustainability: impeccable data quality and proper analysis lead to making business decisions based on their sustainability impact. That’s why our platform is built around a flexible and powerful data intelligence module.
Committed to Becoming More Sustainable
eVISO’s solutions are intrinsically tied to positive impacts, empowering millions of businesses and households to make smarter energy decisions. They also developed specific sustainability actions including:
Using 100% certified renewable energy for their offices.
Supporting biodiversity by planting 6,000 squared meters of pollinator-friendly flora at a photovoltaic park.
Partnering with public foundation for research and innovation to strengthen the agricultural supply chain
Partner of the EU project SocialWatt aimed to develop innovative schemes to alleviate energy poverty.
Other important key points in eVISO are people and local community:
Annual voucher for courses, books and training activities; dedicated external counselor.
Squad organization to empower collective intelligence and distributed leadership.
Flexible working hours and remote working.
Gender balance and cultural diversity (10 different countries)
Annual scholarships to support young talents and promotion of events to support culture, sport activities.
A cross team is directly involved in advancing sustainability. The implementation of ROSE is overseen by CFO Federica Berardi, with HR Head of Training Davide Debernardi contributing insights on governance and societal issues and the Energy Efficiency Engineer Lorenzo Molinero, ensuring the project delivers impact across multiple fronts.
What are the specifics and challenges of the project?
Working on two parallel tracks: eVISO is using ROSE for both CSRD compliance and carbon footprint calculations. This means we’re addressing two separate but related topics simultaneously, with dedicated tracks for each.
Focus on Scope 3 emissions: As a tech company with no production sites, most of eVISO’s emissions are Scope 3, tied to the energy they buy and sell.
Value chain mapping as a major challenge: Energy production involves a complex, multi-step value chain with numerous intermediaries needed to be mapped. This requires both expert insights and a sustainability software robust enough to capture that complexity.
Using data for sustainability: eVISO is already leveraging data to help clients improve their efficiency. By gaining a deeper understanding of the value chain, they’ll be able to identify where to focus their efforts to make their own operations more sustainable.
A word from Federica Berardi, CFO at eVISO: